Saturday 28 February 2015

Unit 1: 1.1 Outline the working culture of the film industry

The working culture of the film industry is very different to typical 9-5 office jobs. You have to be exceptionally adaptation and flexible, as you sometimes have to work unsocial hours and locations. The probability of these irregular hours and demanding work mean that dedication, enthusiasm and resourcefulness stand out as qualities that help new entrants get noticed. short-term employment and unpredictable job stability. Work is often last-minute and requires a great deal of flexibility, particularly in production.

Although some fixed employment opportunities exist, a great deal of the work is freelance and so often people have additional part-time work to support themselves and need forethought for stretching their income over periods of unemployment. To work in the industry you have to have the initiative and confidence to work freelance, and not always have that secure unmoving work.  For me especially going into directing and cinematography, I need to be very good at working with people, leading teams, and communicating. As well as thinking on my feet and having very clear artistic visions

Friday 27 February 2015

Unit 1: 1.2 Identify Time Management Skills

This is a page of a script we got given. I annotated it with the shots my group and I were planning, as well as scheduling tips i picked up and things to keep in mind.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Unit 1: 1.3 Describe the Key Aspects Of Health And Safety When Working On Film Productions

This is the risk assessment sheet I completed for a short film called "Crimson", directed by Piers Hill.
Risk assessments are important because they analyse and evaluate the chance of injury, which could potentially stop the whole production.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Unit 1: 1.4 Identify Materials Which May Be Subject To Copyright

These are the copyright issues that I made note of while watching the short film "Crimson".
Directed by Piers Hill, Produced by Rajita Shah.

1. Background Music
2. Marvel Reference in Dialogue
3. Band Posters in the Background
4. Branded Clothing
5. Branded Cars

Crimson from B3 Media on Vimeo.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Unit 1: 1.5 Explain How Regulations May Affect The Use Of Copyight Materials

Copyright is the legal right which was created by the law of a country, which grants the creator of the original work exclusive rights to its distribution. Copyright is important to creators like writers and artists as well as those such as publishers that own rights, as it provides them with a legal right of ownership of the work that they produce.

This means that creators of an original piece of work can have some control over how it is used, which is not only fair but necessary for them to make a living from their talent and efforts. When they have the means to make a living from their work then they can continue to invest their time, and, in the case of publishers, their money into the production of new work.

Materials which are subject to copyright

Musical Scores/Recorded Music – Any form of copied music is subject to copyright, unless you  either edit the song so it does not sound at all like the original, or if you get written permission to use that music.

Scripts - Ideas and story lines that were taken directly from another production are subject to a copyright. E.g. If you made a film with the exact story line and characters as Harry Potter, the producers could file a claim against you.

Images and sound in the production – Including musical scores and scripts, using someone’s images and sounds without their permission.

Finished Films – Films which are finished and contain any copied work such as photographs, music or branding for which permission was not given, are in breach of the copyright laws. 

Regulations affecting the use of copyright

Generally you aren’t allowed to use someone’s work because of copyright, however there is regulations which allow a very limited use of a product. The basic rights which are protected by copyright laws are: To reproduce the work; to import/export the work; to create derivative works; to create and distribute copies; to publicly perform and display the work.

The "Fair Use Doctrine" allows the limited use of materials which are copyrighted without any permission. It’s determined by four factors which are: Purpose and the charter of use; the nature of the copyrighted material; the amount of copyright used and the effect of the use to market potential.

Almost all copyrighted material which is for educational use falls under the "Fair Use Doctrine", the acts that are permitted to a certain degree are: Research and Private study purposes; Lending for educational purposes; News reporting and criticism; Parody, pastiche and caricature; playing sound recordings for non profit making organizations.

This sheet is a example page from the UK copyright service document.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Unit 1: 2.2 Describe The Structure And Interrelations Of The Film Industry

Structure - the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.
Interrelations - the way in which two or more things or people are connected and affect one another:

The Structure of the Production department (in hierarchical order) is:
Executive Producer
Line Producer
Production Manager
Production Coordinator
Post-production supervisor
FA Director
SA Director
TA Director
Production Assistant
Script Supervisor
Stunt coordinator
Production Runner

The interrelationships of the production departments are: The Executive Producer will talk to the line producer about the budget of the film. Who will design a budget sheet and will manage that. The line producer will then talk to the Production Manager who will supervise the budget, scheduling and will make sure that the film stays in schedule and within it’s budget. The line producer will also give the Production Coordinator the budget sheet so the Production Coordinator knows what the budget is for renting equipment and hiring actors.